PART 7 SDA assumptions In this video we tackle Q14 & 15

SDA assumptions

1. Was recently talking to a work colleague who had just realised I was SDA and her first thing was ‘oh I don’t like how they hold Ellen White as high as the Bible, it should be the Bible alone’... of course I discussed this with her but maybe something you can address also??
2. A lot of people assume we are all vegetarian or vegan
3. They don't play instruments; they are legalistic
4. They can all sing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
5. Rerata english
6. Bayaceca! Baze bacece lamazwi “baveveze” when becula! (Baa itereka)
7. We are judgemental ... n i ws suprise 2 realiz khethollo ea merabe whites n black . N Ellen white was a racist....we lost values eg reachin out n lovin oneother we are we are selfish.... hence why church fail 2 grow.
8. Athe sebe sa motho se hlongoa thupeng aba ikele mobung... never eba eba elder inda church n they compare sins im talkin abt 'adventist'
9. The assumption is that they do not have the holy spirit.
10. There is an assumption of salvation through keeping the law.
11. There is assumption that one has to have smart and wear expensive clothing to belong to the church.
12. The assumption they are holy and perfect. No sinners among them.
13. They are wealthy Because they dress to kill and have stunning cars .
14. They dont care bout other people, only bout themselves and supposed wealth
15. That we know the Bible from Genesis to Revelation
16. Kuyatshatwa pha. And batshatana bodwa. Khonza pha if ufuna umyeni
17. Critical spirit is the above on the list
18. My father was a powerful preacher/ an Evangelist evry Sabbath will spent his single cent 4 petrol n food what a genuine dedicated man who tought mi n my mum abt Adventists.... bt da fact that He had 2 wifes ..... the church dealt wt him slowly bt sure up until he left da what so called SDA bt on Sabbath would gather wit his congregation.... my painful experience.... caused by seventh day
19. They concentrate on doctrine correctness than ministering to the poor in society.
20. They follow proper dress code
21. They don’t believe in prayer
22. Infidelity/sexual promisquity...
23. Fashionable
24. That they have and are the only ones with the reserved rights and title deeds ownership to God's blessings and attention
25. No love amongst brethren. There is generally a class system and Groups frm disadvantaged backgrounds (widows, single parents, poor members etc) are discriminated or looked down upon.
26. Very good church, that teaches good principles.
27. I believe it is the true church that teaches Bible truths, but making assumptions that because I am in the remnant church so am gauranteed to make it to heaven is a very dangerous assumption. It's about my relationship with God, applying what I learn into my everyday life.
28. I would love to listen in on that chat.. i fail to understand what the rules are about. Specially about not working on the sabath day..etc the cooking day before etc
29. Only ones to see heaven
30. That they Don cheat their spousesπŸ˜“
31. Some people think that we can not pray for the sick for healing (we have no Holy Spirit).
32. That adventists are a Bible based church who know and follow the bible very well
33. Too strict, stuck up, have to many rules, believe they know it all etc.. not you though Mahali πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀πŸƒπŸΏ‍♀🏑
34. Assumption is that we all know the Bible
35. My assumptions about Seventh day Adventist’s is that they do not drink alcohol

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