DEMONIC SUPER-ANGELS CREATED BY GOD HAVE POWER THAT EXCEEDS OUR COMPREHENSION As we go through all of these "ONCE-IN-A-CENTURY" events swirling around us, remember what else is swirling around us. We are surrounded at all times by these and other supernatural creatures that dwarf us in every way. They are powerful, mobile, and intelligent: beyond anything, we can comprehend.
As far as we know the angelic creatures are indestructible, they can’t be killed or destroyed.
They travel the universe effortlessly, with no spaceships.
They seemingly never rest or sleep, or even need to eat.
God on The Throne is the originator, the Creator of angels. God spoke and billions of angels appeared from nothing. So God is greater than anything He created.
Yet those angels He made from nothing have powers that exceed our comprehension.
There are two types of angels revealed by God: the good angels and the rebel angels. So, it is very clear from the divisions of the angels that God doesn’t tolerate any rebellion at all.
There are many orders of both good and bad angelic creatures. On the good side there are at least five orders of good, or holy, angels:
The Archangels: (Gabriel and Michael are named);
The Flames: there are seven angels that seem to always stand like flames of fire around God’s Throne (Rev. 1:);
The Guardian: there was an anointed/covering cherub (Lucifer’s, lit. “light”, role before he fell to become Satan) in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14;
The Cherubim: found around God’s Throne and other places (Genesis 4, Ezekiel 1, Revelation);
The Angels: (by the billions it seems), all through the Scriptures).
Now remember again that these:


The power of the good angels is clear but very little is told us about them. But when we look at the other side of the angel spectrum, several orders of bad, or unholy angels begin to test the limits of our minds as we see the scope of their powers.
There are possibly seven orders of evil angels:
(TRU-03; 120226AM)
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