Since MGM announced that No Time to Die was pushing its April 2020 release date back to November due to concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, film exhibitors everywhere have grown nervous about when and where the other shoe will drop.
It's rather a lose-lose situation as it stands right now, no matter what route is chosen, as U.S. theater patronage could possibly fall precipitously by the time the next major blockbuster release, Black Widow, is slated to arrive in theaters.
The current conversation regarding potential release date delays has some speculating that Disney and Marvel Studios will push the film from its scheduled May 1 debut, according to Deadline. The outlet notes that, quote, "it wouldn't be jawdropping if Disney decides to move Black Widow," but there are some tricky logistics to discuss. Sounds like a real party, huh?
Asian market box office revenue is important to the franchise's success, and the coronavirus situation in China and Korea in particular is especially concerning for turnout. However, moving the release of Black Widow in hopes of deferring interruption by the coronavirus is an expensive and potentially confusing effort for the consumer base that may not be paying attention to shifts in the film release schedule and may not show up when the new release date comes around. The coronavirus has the potential to be a seasonal event like influenza, even though time will certainly provide more treatment options while global efforts work hard to find them. One exhibitor was quoted by Deadline as saying, "we are in uncharted territory.".
So far, Disney has decided to stay its course for Black Widow's May 1 release date. A Bond movie changing release date is a big deal, what with the guaranteed glitz and glamour of a red carpet party attached to every continental premiere, but No Time to Die isn't the marketing behemoth that any Marvel Cinematic Universe movie is. Keep watching the video to see that tough news could be dropping for Black Widow!
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