Thank God! WHO FINALLY did something to declare the coronavirus as a pandemic, while I was preparing this visualization.
You can see, coronavirus is not flu (death rate is between 0.1% to 0.5%), so far (03/12/2020) the death rate of coronavirus is 3.68%.
Please pay attention to this virus, be serious about this virus.
Stay safe, stay healthy.
I am a nerd and geek, a PhD student in Chemistry, a writer and thinker, an option trader, a CG designer, more “A”s on the way.
It took me TONS of time to finish such a visualization project. Please like, subscribe and comment if you like this kind of video.
Data source: Wikipedia, CDC (US), China CDC, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), Diamond Princess Official
Background Music: Synthesized/remixed from kinds of sources including but not limited to VST generation, Youtube audio library, FreeSound, Soundly…
Software used in my projects but not limited to:
Adobe Illustrator (logo/font design),
Adobe After Effects (motion graphic design/visual effect design),
Adobe Premiere (video editing),
Adobe Photoshop (photo design),
Cubase (sound design),
Python/Origin/Mysql (data collection/analysis),
Power BI/D3j (data visualization),
ChemDraw/Chem3D (chemical structure/modeling),
Cinema 4D/3Ds Max (3D modeling/visualization) …
#Coronavirus, #CoronavirusPandemic, #CoronavirusComparison