
Bacopa Monnieri: A Superb Cognitive Enhancer & Spiritual Herb

Bacopa Monnieri: A Superb Cognitive Enhancer & Spiritual Herb Bacopa, also known as "herb of grace" or "water hyssop" is a remarkably effective rejuvenative herb, especially when it is refined into an extract. Bacopa is classified as a Brahmi herb. Their are two main Brahmi herbs in the Ayurvedic system of healing: Bacopa & Gotu Kola. I will be discussing Gotu Kola in upcoming posts, as it is truly a wonderful herb. Brahmi is a Sanskrit word, which in layman's terms can be defined as pure awareness or as the expansion of ones consciousness. Brahmi herbs such as Bacopa do exactly that - when consumed they promote absolute clarity of thought and the crystallization of awareness. This is largely due to their ability to help clear the mind, improve mental & cognitive functioning, and increase focus. When your mind is actually clear & your brain is truly being nourished - your awareness flowers. Bacopa is considered a sacred and very spiritual herb in the Ayurvedic system of health.

Due to Bacopa's strong influence on mental functioning, and its remarkable ability to help calm the mind - it is a great herb to take if you are having difficulty staying on task, as well as if you are struggling with depression. Brahmi herbs also exert a very strong anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) influence when consumed, making Bacopa, as well as Gotu Kola, a great herb to experiment with if you currently suffer from anxiety. I suggest that if you take Bacopa - make sure that it is an extract and not just the ground up dried herb. Extracted herbs are up to 100 times more potent than their non extracted counterparts. If you are curious as to which Bacopa extract I use, this is the one :

Years ago after taking my first dose of Bacopa extract I fell in love with it and continue to take it to this day. Of the 2 Brahmi herbs mentioned, Bacopa is my favorite. Although I do love Gotu Kola, and continue to recommend it to many of my clients, I personally prefer Bacopa. It really helps keep my mind clear and and my thoughts focused, which in turn makes my life much easier and more enjoyable. I have experienced extremely heightened states of spiritual consciousness from taking bacopa extract in the past, although this only happened on occasion. I believe that Bacopa's ability to alter consciousness like this is why it is considered a brahmi, or " consciousness expanding " herb. The stuff is magical.

Aside from being used as a cognitive enhancer, anxiolytic, & neuro-protective agent, Bacopa is also used for skin conditions, panic disorders, dimentia, memory loss, anti-aging, disease preventative, & as a tissue strengthener. In the Ayurvedic system of healing, Bacopa is considered a Rasayana herb which are believed to strengthen ones life path, promote overall health and wellbeing, prevent aging, and promote the expulsion of toxins from the body and mind.
It has multiple benefits for the physical body such as helping to lower blood pressure. This is most likely due to the herbs ability to help release nitric oxide, assisting the dilation of blood vessels which in turn improves blood flow. These are just a few of the many health benefits of Bacopa.

Bacopa contains powerful constituents such as but not limited to Bacosides, brahmine, herpestine, bacogenins, stigmasterol, bacosine, stigmastanol, B-sitosterol. Bacopa's impressive of constituents is what gives it its power.

Bacopa extract taken at moderate doses assists the body in the elimination of waste in the digestive system. I have personally experienced this on a handful of occasions although I do not necessarily recommend that people do this. The constituents in bacopa help soften accumulated fecal matter and impactions inside the colon, and help stimulate peristalsis which in turn promotes the movement of the bowels.

I have attained much benefit from taking Bacopa over the years. It has helped me stay healthy in an unwell world and has greatly helped keep my mind sharp. It is without a doubt one of my favorite, if not my absolute most favorite herb. Just rememeber that if you are going to consume it, take it as an extract. The DoubleWood Supplements brand makes a great bacopa extract that is affordable and effective.

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