
The Real Reason Why Only Some People Become Celebrities

The Real Reason Why Only Some People Become Celebrities “We were taught the formula of celebrity and how to build it, and we’ve been teaching that to you here,” says BigMike, before discussing the one big hurdle to implementing that formula: “You can’t be shy.

“I had a hard time talking about myself in the beginning,” BigMike continues, adding that he was fortunately able to push past his negative programing, implement the formula of celebrity, and begin monetizing his personal brand.

In this final installment of the Business Outlaws series on building your personal brand, the Outlaws boil down monetizing your own brand to six essential steps. They show you how they did it, right down to their daily routines, and reveal the truth behind long-lasting success.

To transform your personal brand into a moneymaking machine, you’ll first have to build your brand to celebrity status within your chosen niche. That might sound impossible, but here’s the thing: You need to realize that celebrities are merely people that had a strategy they were able to implement.

Co-host Chris “Bulldog” Collins prompts BigMike to share his personal story of overcoming his own shyness. No one sees the preparation, insecurity and second-guessing that happens behind the scenes. As long as you put yourself in unfamiliar situations, you can overcome your insecurities and begin building and monetizing your brand.

Listen to Ep. 56 of Business Outlaws, the final installment of the series on building your personal brand, to learn how to push past your insecurities, build up your celebrity, and gain the six essential steps to monetizing yourself. And make sure you catch the rest of this series on, where you can also snack on Business Edibles and get access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

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Welcome to Business Outlaws, the show for entrepreneurs who want to dominate their respective industries and build their empires. Each week, you’ll join the Outlaws — BigMike and Chris “Bulldog” Collins — as they share valuable, business-building, wealth-accumulating secrets and insights learned through decades of in-the-trenches experience. No hokum, no filters, no BS — just proven, unadulterated tactics to help you achieve the massive success you crave.

BigMike Straumietis is the founder and CEO of Advanced Nutrients, the No. 1 cannabis nutrient company in the world, with annual revenues of more than $100 million and distribution in 100 countries and counting. A cannabis grower and entrepreneur since 1983, BigMike’s latest ventures include his namesake line of cannabis pre-rolls BigMike’s Blends, and Lacturnus Labs, a $20- million-plus cannabis research facility located in Los Angeles.

Chris Collins is a business trainer and coach who specializes in maximizing business performance and helping companies find new streams of revenue. He’s helped countless companies streamline operations, reduce overhead, and increase the bottom line by millions of dollars. Chris is the author of three books, including the Amazon bestseller Gamification: Playing for Profits and the upcoming 101 Ways You Can Get Crazy Results In Your Business Right Now.

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