This week we have something very special planned for you. Starting from this week we bring you the 2nd Episode of our Advanced series for Guitar basic tutorials.
This series will have 5 videos which will give you a bit more knowledge of Guitar playing.
The First video tells you about a strumming pattern which, if mastered gives you access to 90% of the songs ever made.
The 2nd one gives a brief discussion on Barr chords.
Link to Episode 1- .
The Advanced series will be most fruitful to you if you watch our basic series first. Below is the link to it
So Ladies and gentlemen bring out your guitars and let there be love!
If you have problems in basic chords and you're an absolute beginner you may follow our basic series for more clarity. from the link below.
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Its the only platform for all music lovers especially guitar lovers to demand your songs and get complete guitar lesson for it.
Keep practising. Keep demanding. We love you ❤️