
Should You Persist With Your Offer When It's Not Selling? | The Katrina Ruth Show

Should You Persist With Your Offer When It's Not Selling? | The Katrina Ruth Show What do you do when you want to see a launch actually sell? Are there times where you're getting lots of interest in a program you've launched but no one is actually buying it?

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This happens to every entrepreneur- including me! No matter how well you're doing in your biz this is something you have to learn to roll with.

There are times where I want to dump a program because sales are coming in so slowly.

But the question is- are you going to give up or are you going to dig your heels in ENERGETICALLY?

It takes decisiveness, balls, and relentlessness for you to keep on going. Be responsible to the offer, to your people, to your money, to your soul.

Here's what happened ...

I'd love to know if you've had a similar realisations and, how it turned out for you?!

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More about my thoughts on this here:


Katrina Ruth (previously Kat Loterzo) is a writer based on Australia's sunny Gold Coast. When she isn't furiously typing, she is running her multi-million dollar online coaching business as an entertainer, speaker and success mentor to 'the crazy ones'. 

With almost 50 best selling eBooks and several hundred product and program launches under her belt Katrina is known as a ‘Content Queen’ who just doesn’t stop. She believes that you CAN have it all, on your terms, so long as you’re willing to get honest with yourself about what you’re really here to do in the world, and then do the work aka ‘press play’.

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Grab Kat’s powerful training in A 4- Part Video Series On What You Really Need To Understand About Energy and Creating Results From Within today for FREE here:

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