The Hidden Truths Of & Behind Religion - Extensive Jordan Maxwell
The Internationale

Lord = Bacteria
Lard = Oil

Oil forces mycelium to form white pus which also forms internal worms called acne. That's right acne is mini-worms. Yahweh = god = worm = oil =lard.

Mushrooms are fungi made from the same mycelium inside. As in so out.

The G6ds/Arch6n are these very mycelium cells, some 666 trillion strong in us, hence "We are in g6d's 666 image & likeness." O=6 in gematria. That's why doing shrooms intoxicates the mind like "booze" "boo" (holy ghost) or "spirits." It poisons the body & mind.

Also, during the last supper, Jesus said: "Take heed, this is my body." "Soma" means both body" and "mushroom" (fungus/mycelium). So there's another reference. Also in the Garden of Eden, the Gods said: after they ate of the fruit (which ferments in the gut fast), they became as gods (more gut bacteria.)

Moses =Satan =2 in proper gematria, hence his horns.

The 3 names rep the 3 Torsion/Tensor Energy groups and 3 sets of Tesla nums:
147 =Jacob =7 =Shiva=1
258 =Isaac =2 =Brahma
369 =Abraham =3 =Vishnu

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." - Nikola Tesla

"Lightning & Thunder" reps: "Sound and Light" reps: "Sou-L"

Saturn =4 "change." So if you want to change, 4 is good; otherwise, it can be a curse. 4 is the most cursed number worldwide.

Goat =9, top energy of CAP-ra-corn, the top dog of the zoodiac and corn stalk ra =dog =god at the top of the volcano.

BTW This entire discussion is also a huge distraction coz at the end of the day you've wasted, you still come out with nothing beneficial. It's all created to waste your time along with everything else. That's the only purpose. The reason I've included it has the important mushroom-germ-god connection which means if you clean up your gut and body, you clean up your mind away from religion. THIS is important because it's instructional to improve your life more than most anyone else will or can. That lesson is absolutely huge and what it leads to. I cover this throughout my truth channels.

The sad reality is that 99.99999999999999999% of the poopulation are BOTH turtle and hare. Everyone is both slothy slow to grow spiritually and their lives is also chock full of countless distractions.

Jordan Maxwell is just the kindergarten teacher for the sleeple. He's popular because that's the level we are in 2020 with our spiritual growth for the two above reasons. We've come full circle.
