「Orchestral|Neurostep」[aspect] Reliquary I'm happy to present to you all, aspect's awesome neurostep work featured in his newly released album - Light Spirit as well as newly released album Efflorescence by a new circle called Etherflux featuring some well known faces as well as some unexpected artists from the artcore community :] I'll upload few more tracks from their latest album! Hope you all enjoy this one and show your support for this upcoming artist.


► bandcamp:

► Title: Reliquary
► Album: Light Spirit
► Circle:
► Composer: aspect

► Illustrator:
► Illustration:


►Follow aspect:

Released at 2020-03-06

►Follow cold kiss sound:
Discord server:

All rights belong to the respective owners.

Orchestral,Neurostep,Neurofunk,Dubstep,aspect,Reliquary,Etherflux,Efflorescence,Light Spirit,2020-03-06,