'Improvements! I submit to no one! I chose them!' Another heroic quote from Grievous from the "Lair of Grievous" explaining he chose his cybernetic parts instead of submitting like the Revenge of the Sith Grievous.



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#GrievousHero #JediAreEvil #GrievousIsAHero #StarWars #CloneWarsSaved #GeneralGrievous #CloneWars #DarthDracarysIsEvil #GGHTCW #GrievousIsAHeroFact #RRabbit42IsEvil #GrievousIsAHeroicCharacter #GrievousIsNotEvil #GrievousIsAHeroInTheShow #JediAreEvilInTheShow #GrievousHeroicQuoteIveBeenLookingForwardToMeetingYou

General Grievous Hero TCW.,Grievous Hero,TCW,The Clone Wars,Star Wars: The Clone Wars,Grievous,Grievous Is A Hero,#GrievousIsAHero,