Brow Lift with PDO NovaThreads | Facial Rejuvenation | West Hollywood, CA | Dr. Jason Emer This patient was beginning to notice some sagging in her upper eyelids and wanted to correct this issue in addition to achieving lifting of her eyebrows. Using absorbable PDO NovaThreads, we could suture and fixate the skin in her lateral brow area in a more optimal and desired position in a minimally invasive manner. Once the sutures are in their appropriate position, they are cut and left underneath the skin to maintain the immediate visible results by promoting long-term collagen production to keep her brows subtly lifted and her eyelid sagging at bay.


Dr. Jason Emer is a board-certified dermatologist, specializing in cosmetic, laser and procedural dermatology, including facial sculpting with fillers and hi definition body contouring transformations in West Hollywood, California. Dr. Emer is behind some of Hollywood's most defined bodies, impeccable skin, and chiseled facial features. He is an aesthetic visionary who dares to be different.

To schedule a consultation or appointment, email or call (310) 439-5190.


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Dr. Jason Emer,Jason Emer,Jason Emer MD,Beverly Hills,Dermatology,Skin Care,Cosmetic Dermatologist,West Hollywood,Los Angeles,Anti Aging,novathreads,instalift,nova threads before and after,nova threads facelift,novathreads eye lift,instalift face lift,instalift before and after,instalift threads,silhouette thread lift,silhouette thread lift before after,silhouette thread lift procedure,silhouette threads,silhouette threads facelift,