
Be safe from the Coronavirus.

Be safe from the Coronavirus. I want to take just a minute and talk to you a little bit about this coronavirus. I mean, it's all over the place. All over the media. Everyone's going to get sick, potentially die from this virus. Well, what I want to talk to you about is how to strengthen your immune system, how to make yourself coronavirus proof, so that you don't have to worry about it, your family doesn't have to worry about it.

So, first of all, there's not a virus on this planet that can hurt you when your body is functioning at 100%. Your body is designed by God in God's image, and it is designed to be strong enough to fight off and void off any bacteria, any virus, any parasite, any bug on the planet. Your body's designed to be able to withstand, destroy it, and prevent it from attacking you and getting sick.

 Now, what does that mean? Well, it means you have an immune system. God gave you an immune system that is, when functioning at 100%, is stronger than any outside invader that could affect you. Now, what's the difference between people in the same household and one gets sick, one doesn't? People that work together, they share the same environment every day. A lot of them eat a lot of the same kinds of foods, but yet some people get sick more frequently, some do not. What's the variable? The variable is your immune system.

Now, what's the difference between a weak immune system and a strong immune system? Well, the biggest difference is what controls that immune system. Your immune system is 100% controlled by the nervous system. If your nervous system is functioning at a 100%, meaning your brain is communicating to your body as intended, then everything's vibrant, everything's alive, everything's stronger than it...Strong as it can possibly be. When that happens, no virus, no bacteria, no parasite, nothing can invade the body because your immune system will defend itself. And it'll go and it'll fight and they'll destroy and it'll kill any bacteria or virus that tries to get in the body.

So, in order to make you coronavirus free and may make you independent and not have to worry, make your body strong enough to know, that regardless, if somebody walks in and sneezes on you or shakes your hand or kisses you, you're not going to wind up getting sick because you got to make sure your immune system is kicking on all cylinders. Which means, your nervous system has to be kicking on all cylinders.

So, what does that mean? Well, the nervous system is controlled at the brainstem. The brainstem sends all the messages from your brain to your body. So it's like the switchboard operator between your brain and your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, arms, legs. So you have to make sure your brain is 100% communicating to your body. There's one place, only one place in the body, that that can be interfered with, again, at the top of the neck, the brainstem area.

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